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Strathclyde Sirens

{{ event.score[0] }} - {{ event.score[1] }}

London Pulse

Match Details

13th May 2023
Round 17
Main Arena, Emirates
Stats Report

Match Results

Watch On: Broadcaster Logo

{{ title }}
{{ team.teamName }}
{{ result }}

First Centre Pass

Jade Clarke
Jade Clarke London Pulse View profile

Team Stats

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Performance Stats

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Total {{ outputValue(val) }}
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Performance Stats

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Player Position {{ getTooltip(heading).title }}
{{ player.player ? player.player.position : `NA` }} {{ outputValue(val) }}
{{ player.player ? player.player.position : `NA` }} {{ outputValue(val) }}
Total {{ outputValue(val) }}
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Performance Stats

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{{ player.player ? player.player.position : `NA` }} {{ outputValue(val) }}
Total {{ outputValue(val) }}
Loading league table data
Strathclyde Sirens v London Pulse

London Pulse extended their winning streak to 11 games and returned to the top of the Netball Super League standings with a hard-fought 53-46 win over Strathclyde Sirens.

Sirens pushed Pulse all the way all the way, taking a 14-11 lead in the first quarter and closing in to within one goal in the fourth quarter before the league leaders pulled away to secure all three points.

The hosts started strong with Beth Dix regularly finding Niamh McCall and Bethan Goodwin in the circle, while Towera Vinkhumbo battled hard against Pulse goal shooter Olivia Tchine.

It paid dividends as Sirens held a three-goal advantage at the end of the first quarter, as patient work around the circle saw McCall net twice in quick succession just before the whistle.

But Pulse are not top of the table without good reason, and Sam Bird’s side produced a monster second quarter to tip the game on its head.

The visitors won the second quarter 18-10 to swing the momentum, with a relentless torrent of attacks flowing through mid-courters Jade Clarke and Chelsea Pitman, which shooters Tchine and Berri Neil made the most of.

Pulse boast the best defensive record in the league and began to show why, Zara Everitt and Gilbert Player of the Match Funmi Fadoju picking up turnovers and tips a-plenty.

But Sirens could not be downed so easily and responded well after the break, a tip from Vinkhumbo earning back possession to enable a run of goals that reduced the deficit to two.

Bird once again emptied her bench at the break, with just Fadoju and Tchine remaining, but there were no signs of let up as the ball regularly founds its way into the hands of Tchine.

But Pulse could not shake off Sirens in the third quarter, the Scottish side rarely more than three goals behind before the steady shooting of Goodwin levelled the score with 20 minutes to play.

Pulse rallied and extended their lead to three, Fadoju and Lindsay Keable teaming up to steal the ball away and set up a run of goals.

Yet an end-to-end encounter saw Sirens once more reduce the deficit to one as McCall sunk a string of shots.

As the minutes ticked away, Pulse produced a late flurry to earn a more comfortable lead and seal the three points and return to the top of the NSL with just three rounds remaining.

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